Thought Police is a thought-provoking narrative experience that explores the limitations on the freedom to express one's thoughts and why certain expressions are punished. The experience explores a moral dilemma in which the player must choose between siding with the written law to protect the country at all costs, or if their personal biases and empathy come into play and object to the regime, possibly causing future harm to themself from the regime. Overall, the theme of our experience traverses a grey area in what is considered to be morally correct in society and when it is okay to bend the rules for the better of humanity. The goal of Thought Police is to put the user in a strenuous situation to reflect on their personal beliefs and when they believe it is justifiable to oppose the law.
I was in charge of designing the environment's aesthetics and integrating assets using Unity and Blender. Most models were sourced online, assembled in Blender, and exported into Unity as textureless models. I then applied textures, holograms, and characters in Unity using various shaders to achieve the desired aesthetic.
Art Direction / Environment Design / Animation / Scipting
Thomas Tran: Scripting, Narrative, Animation / VFX / Rigging / Model design
Avril Yang: VFX / Editing / Filming
Zaac Agnes: Art direction / Environment
Design / Rigging
Hanna Luu: Narrative / SFX / Scripting
Alvin Leung: Music / SFX
Adobe Premiere Pro
Final Cut Pro
2 months